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Well Woman Clinic

The WWC was born in 1990, with the first centre at Nairobi West. KMWA decided that it was better to provide all these services under one roof to improve access and hence the Supermarket Approach : a one stop shop to provide health care for women by women at a pace just right for women .

KMWA has since expanded these services by going into partnership with Gertrude’s Garden Childrens’ hospital to set up WWC in their various centres in Nairobi such as Doonholm , Embakasi etc. Currently, this concept of WWC has been replicated in many health facilities in Kenya and regionally.

Why Well Woman Clinic?

Why would a well woman come to visit us? At the Well Woman Clinic, the goal is to provide comprehensive women’s health care, including education with a focus on prevention. A team of well-trained female doctors and nurse’s practitioners operate the clinic. Key health care needs addressed at the clinic include family planning, hormone replacement therapy, breast cancer screening, and cervical cancer screening. Referrals are available when further medical attention is required. With the focus on prevention, the clinic can offer women the opportunity to enhance their health throughout their lifespan.


Cervical Screening

What is this?  This is a simple test whereby a brush is used to scrape the cells at the entrance of the womb. Best done when not bleeding. This is put on a slide, which is stained and viewed under a microscope. We will then be able to tell if there are early changes or not. Cervical cancer is the leading cause of death in this country in women. It is also the only completely curable form of cancer if noted early. Most centers in Nairobi take about two weeks to give back Pap smear results. For this reason, we offer our clients or patients a premium service with a KMWA member cytopathologist which guarantees return in 4 working days. Are you pap compliant?

Breast Screening and Infection Testing

Changes to the breast these days occur in all  ages. Gone are the days when we said cancer of  the breast is for older women. Come to us and we will teach you how to examine your breast and learn how to detect the changes. In due course, we will install our own machines, which will assist in breast screening. Remember prevention is always better than cure.

Screening Services.

This is a full-screen testing for Sexually Transmissible Infections and include, blood swabs and any necessary referrals, prescriptions or follow-up.  Partners’ STI screening is available in our Well Woman Clinic. General Counseling is also available

Family Planning 

IUC Hormonal methods Implants Barrier methods
CopperT, Mirena Coil, and Multi-load. Injectables -Depo Provera Contraceptive pills Combined and progesterone; only oral contraceptive pills available. Jadelle: Two rods, 5-year implant, Impianon: Single rod, 3-year implant Both male and female- user condoms available at a fee.